Two Scrawny, Dried-Up Sardines.

Jesus then took the loaves of bread, gave thanks, and passed them around to those reclining there; he did much the same with the dried fish, as much as they (the five thousand wanted. When they had had enough, he told his disciples, “Gather up the crusts that are leftover, so that nothing goes to waste…” John 6: 11-12

Image: Louise Carroll

Image: Louise Carroll

A reminder for us: never doubt the gifts that God has given us for the well-being of his people. Look what Jesus did with five barley loaves and a couple of dried up sardines!

3 thoughts on “Two Scrawny, Dried-Up Sardines.

  1. lynn__ says:

    This makes me smile…with memories of seeing the site where Jesus fed 5000 (Tabgha) and feeling certain He has “multiplied” our family meals at times! Great reminder to worry NOT 🙂

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