Of How Much More Value Are You! Lk. 10, 24


Palm Desert: Sparrows

Palm Desert: Sparrows

Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! Luke 12, 24

I believe I qualify for a PhD in worrying, if there is any institution out there that awards such degrees. What an energy drain! How many hours of sleep have I wasted on What-If’s. When I read this yesterday, it was as though I heard God telling me to look back on my life. Oh, there have been difficult times, fear-provoking situations such as when I went to nurse in San Salvador after a horrible earthquake in 1986. But God has never left me without his watchful care.

How is it that the birds, all creatures of this beautiful earth we call home, go through their short lives worry-free. The answer is simple. They live in the present moment. To this we add trust. Trust that God will, indeed, provide.

What kind of things keep you awake at night? How do you deal with worry, with fear.

My husband and I like to help God in providing for his small creatures. Here are a few photos of the stunning visitors to our feeders.





Palm Desert--Leucistic Hummingbird. This beauty showed up on the day before Easter a few years ago. They are rare, and their color makes them an easy prey to the hawks in the area. He hung around until we left for home.

Palm Desert–Leucistic Hummingbird. This beauty showed up on the day before Easter a few years ago. They are rare, and their color makes them an easy prey to the hawks in the area. He hung around over a month, until we left for home.

Bullock Oriole--they visit our feeder in Reno during the month of June.

Bullock Oriole–they visit our feeder in Reno during the month of June.

Quail: they love to forage in the vegetable garden and that's where they take their dirt baths.

Quail: they love to forage in the vegetable garden and that’s where they take their dirt baths.


There are so many more photos I would love to share but I’d like to save some for the future.

All photos in this post were taken by my husband, David, and are used with his permission.


One thought on “Of How Much More Value Are You! Lk. 10, 24

  1. Mary says:

    What beautiful photos, Victoria. You are fortunate to have so many beautiful birds visiting, birds for your husband to photograph.


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